Valheim Update 0.148.7 Patch Notes - endothervitur
There's a new Valheim update now, March 29. The "cute mini-tweak patch" is available to download via Steamer for Windows and Linux right now. Iron Gate's latest update includes cleared building and cultivation mechanism, in plus to a bonus for headphones users adventuring in the snowy mountains biome. Check out the Valheim update 0.148.7 patch notes below for a glutted list of completely the changes ready-made.
Valheim update 0.148.7 patch notes
Valheim is static a Steam Early Entree product, but every week the Norse selection game edges nearer towards completion. While last week's patch (0.148.6) included lashing of little changes, the latest update focuses along a few select areas instead. That's not necessarily a bad thing, however, as information technology results in considerable improvement to the soundscape, building, and culture systems.
Here are the complete Valheim patch notes for update 0.148.7 happening Steam:
- Hammer, hoe, and raiser timing and input tweaks.
- Slightly get down use delay and queued button presses for a smoother go through.
- Added independent walk-sneak snow footstep SFX.
- Music update (fixed or s sound glitches).
- Fix updates.
- Credits updated (exchanged the look of the credits blind and added missing names).
Valheim snow footstep levelheaded effects will make up a king-sized facilitate to players that use headphones and trust happening spatial audio frequency to inform their gameplay decisions. Additionally, audio bug and sound bug fixes are of benefit to users right across the board.
The hammer, hoe, and cultivator tools are totally now faster and easier to use. The delay between from each one use is turn down, advantageous inputs are now queueable for all the rapid clickers out there.
Localization updates are a nice timber of life improvement for Valheim players in need of them, likewise.
Deficiency more Vlaheim coverage? In that case, feel out the lame's Thor Easter egg. The god of thunder might not be the only hidden deity, though — many believe that a mysterious figure is Odin.
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